Take care of yourself with Identités !
  • Best seller
    • Natural position step
    • Natural position step
    • Natural position step
    • Natural position step
    • Natural position step
    • Natural position step

    Natural position step

    • Re-adopt a natural position on the toilet
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    • On a classic toilet you sit up high with your legs at a 90° angle to have a bowel movement, yet this position is not physiological at all and blocks the faecal matter, by pressing on the rectum, the stool can have difficulty passing. With this walk, you pass at an angle of 35°, which is ideal to facilitate transit and avoid effort.

      Dimensions in use: width 52 x depth 29 x height. 17.5 cm. Weight 400 gr.

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    For more than 15 years, Identités has been offering solutions to improve the comfort and independence of the elderly and disabled.

    • ZA Pôle 49
      Boulevard de la Chanterie
      49124 Saint-Barthélemy-d'Anjou
    • (33) 2 41 96 18 48